Thursday, December 17, 2009

Stephanie Draven Winter Contest!

Hey folks, my longtime friend, Stephanie Draven is running a contest over at her website for an Amazon gift certificate and one of her books!

If you've not heard me mention Stephanie before, we've been friends since High School and I love her dearly.  She is wildly intelligent (I mean really, do YOU know anyone who can weave Greek mythology,  political strife & sex into a highly readable-can't-put-down-book? I didn't think so. She's the only one I've ever met!)

Recently she was helping me with a crisis and she said something to me that prompted me to ask her if she was, indeed, 400 years old. She's so very wise and insightful into the human character. This is why & how she can weave those themes together in her writing and make it all work.
She gets people. She makes them real.

She's fun and she's saucy! (in real life too!)

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