I watch it every year at Christmas and only once, so I don't get tired of it.
In every instance but this one, I prefer original books over movie versions. As soon as I hear the opening lines and the score of "Orchard House" I feel all swoony inside. This is also a visually stunning movie and the story, of course, is fabulous.
It makes me want to deliver food and firewood to the less fortunate with my sisters....
It kindles my lifelong devotion to Christian Bale. I love the Laurie character so much that I can even overlook Christian's horrible public behavior in the current century. I am convinced he would be a better person had he stuck to period pieces.

It makes me want to cuddle up by the fire to read the many pieces of correspondence that I receive.
Each year I want to implore Jo to please, pretty-please, just this one time, please choose Laurie..
She never does....
I've even now, come to terms with her choice of Professor Bhaer. In the books it works but in the movie I was crushed the first time.
The movie was done in 1994. Gabriel Byrne was 45 years old. In 1994 I was 22, Nowadays, a 45 year old man doesn't look half as bad as he did back then to me......
You must see this movie! Here is the trailer to get you started!
Liv discovered the book and the movie this year -- she's read the book 4 times and we've watched the movie twice already this season. I always want Jo to pick Laurie too! Although, I must say, I had an easier time with her choosing Gabriel Byrne in the movie, than I did of her choosing the Professor in the book -- the illustrations always make him look to be in his 60's and she looks like a teenager! Liv once pointed out that she knows this is my favorite book because glancing around the book shelf she could count 4 copies of it... I also love "Eight Cousins" by Louisa May Alcott.
Tell her to stop watching it. She's going to wear it out...
Has she read "Jo's Boys" which is the book after Little Women and takes place at Plumfield? That's good as well and most of the original characters are in it as well.
I don't think I noticed that in the book, I know I didn't mind it nearly as much though.
I liked "Eight Cousins" but it was nowhere near the quality of LW.
Also, has she seen Felicity, the American girl movie? Colonial Williamsburg. I KNOW she would love it. It is actually another one of my Holiday favorites. It's very well done!
It was Newsies that cultured my love of Christian Bale, but this movie isn't far behind!
This is one of my favourite movies today. Little Women is my favourite book of all time, and I just wanted to comment regarding your comment about Jo's Boys, above. Jo's Boys is actually the third book in the series... if you've skipped straight from Little Women to Jo's Boys you've missed Little Men, which is about all the young boys (and girls) who attend Jo and Friedrich's school at Plumfield. Jo's Boys is about when they've all grown up.
If you haven't read Little Men, you must, asap! You'll adore it, I promise.
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