Monday, May 31, 2010

May 19-21, 1910

I'm going to do 3 entries of Adam's diary per day until I catch up.

May 19, 1910
Started to spade the garden. Dad's birthday. Clara had her class over to the house and we went over.
W. ------- and fine
R. 11:30

May 20, 1910

Mr & Mrs and Art came up to the house to supper to see the comet but it rained hard. K, A & I played hearts. And K stayed all night. It poured hard at 11:30. 
W. Warmer, Rain
R. 12

I believe Mr & Mrs are his in-laws. Bess also has a brother one year younger (according to the 1900 census) whose name is J Arthur Witham, so I am guessing this is the Art he is referring to. Bess's father is also named Arthur and her mother Katherine. Bess is the only one who doesn't share a name with her parent. 

May 21, 1910
It was warm. The sun shone bright at 6 am. Spaded and sowed lawn seed & to gym at 6:30. Uncle John started in. We played 4 g--- hand ball. Indoor B. B. Steam shower bath and swam for over 1/2 hour. & we had to ---- him out & he treated us to soda & at the Baltimore we had chicken -----  coffee, pie & ice cream (over) We left at 11 and I met Bess at Cooper and we walked home. 
W. warm. fine
R. 12

This entry spills over onto the next page.  I wonder if Adam drinks. He has never once mentioned that he does (or does not) I think this is the first reference to any drink at all.  He socializes a lot but never mentions alcohol. It's too early for prohibition so his drinking or not would be a matter of choice. Must investigate further... Must go to bed....

R. 1am

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