Besses Birthday. She got many gifts. I went to S.S. and the Witham family came up. & Art & Pearce to supper and we all saw the comet in the west with out its tail.
W. ---- some rain & ---
R. 11
Happy Birthday Bess. I would have really liked to have posted this on the actual day. Darn. I should read ahead more.
May 23, 1910
After supper I spaded till dark. Saw the comet in the west but it was very dim. Clara and some school teachers came over front yard after we were in bed.
W. warm. windy
R. 11
This makes me wonder a little. Is he writing this in bed? The next morning? Are the teachers out there on his porch RIGHT NOW? I'm assuming they were looking for the comet perhaps.
I often wonder when he refers to something that happened after he is in bed, like the night Bess was locked out or the time she got mad over the shoes and stayed at his parent's house. When does he do his writing? I imagine him in bed, recoding the R time and then turning off the light and going to sleep. I wonder if it happened like that.
May 24, 1910
Arose at 5:20 and spaded before breakfast. Went up home to supper and it rained in the afternoon and hard all night. Grass in the back yard up.
W. Rain
R. 11
The fact that he is planting grass is another clue that he is living in a new house.
Barnum and Bailey Circus. Amy fired for not shaping up. Dave, Ray & I & De---- played hand ball at 7pm till 8:45. Bess up home.
W. Rained all day.
R. 11
Note to Adam-Get to work on time!
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