Friday, June 11, 2010

I Cannot Bear this.....

So this morning, in fact, a few minutes ago, my next door neighbor called.



She saw a bear run down my driveway towards my garage.

A bear.

She called 91. They knew it was in the area and they had been tracking it already.

Apparently it did not stop to eat anything in my garden.

A bear......

Animal Control is in my backyard right now. Maybe I should tell them about the deer and the raccoon too.

** Edited to add that I just spoke with the Animal Control man and he told me that if I see the bear I should CHASE IT UP A TREE.....Really????? When I laughed he told me that usually bears are quite scared of people but if it's a mother with babies, that is when "Things get dangerous"

So yes, later today I may be chasing a bear up a tree.....


Meredith said...

Oh, you always get all the exciting stuff.....
I just heard about it on WHAM.
Chase him over my way, I would love to see him.

Christine said...

It was crazy Meredith!

Karley Ziegler Mott said...

Wow! If I saw the bear in my yard, I would have fainted, LOL.

I can just picture you trying to give it some garlic scapes to lure it up a tree :)

Deanna said...

Lol! A good pioneer like you will have no trouble dealing with a measly ol' bear!

Christine said...

Deanna-You of all people know I make a sorry pioneer (except for the butter making!) If it wasn't the ague it would have probably been some random bear or wolf.