I'm feeling kind of bookish this week! Sorry if I'm boring any of you!
In an effort to instill a love of reading in my daughter (and also because I'm not about to buy 6 new books every week) Monday has been designated as our weekly library date.
The two of us go around 5 pm, an excellent time to go-Everyone else is either on their way home or cooking dinner. It's relatively quiet and I'm not so worried about all of the noise she makes!
We usually bring a reusable shopping bag of items back and the leave with an equally full bag. It is helpful that we go each week because then I don't have to pay as much attention to the due dates. All of her books can go back in a week and mine are usually done within 2.
Generally our stash includes:
-Books for my daughter-Lately Dinosaurs, Stars & Halloween. I tend to read a lot of non-fiction so I'm trying to also show her that side of the library as well. We also get out a few fiction books.
-a few DVD's for my daughter
-Books on tape for my girl to listen to-Sometimes we listen in the car and sometimes she listens in her room during quiet time (What used to be nap time)
-$0.25 Magazines from the magazine rack for me. Today I scored the Oct 2009 copies of both Traditional Home and House Beautiful-A $10 value right there!!!) I also bring most of my old magazines here rather than recycling them.
-Some fiction & Non -Fiction for me. I have read the most interesting books by just browsing the new non-fiction.
-Books on tape for me.
She's always really excited to go. It's like a trip to the store for something special for both of us. When you think about it really, what a luxury it is for all of us to be able to go in at any time and come home with a load of new material. All because you promise to bring it back! I can't imagine the cost of my bag each week if I had to pay for it!
Thank you Ben Franklin!
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