Baby Got Back |
So I wore the Bustle to the Beer Fest.
I didn't get a picture, uugh, but one of my blog readers (Hi Sara!) came over and saw me and told me that the bustle does in fact, stick out way more than you would imagine in the photo!
And so it was a big hit (mostly!) Anyone who came over to the table where we were pouring could easily see the relationship of the clothing to the beer. The other people, not so much.... There were in fact, about 3000 people there and I got some crazy looks from people as I walked through the crowd to get some water, and later, some lunch. Some of the looks, I would even characterize as mean. Picture this weird re-enactor looking woman strolling around in 80 degree weather in this getup! See what I mean... I kept my head up and continued to stroll around like a 19th century lady...
Brian Making Beer At The Museum |
We poured a lot of beer! 2 half kegs in 4 hours. The amazing thing was that we poured 3 oz glasses. That's a lot of 3oz glasses!
The crowd was fun and nice and a lot of them loved the museum and the beer. As the day went on, the crowd got more and more, hmmm... friendly..... I had my picture taken with a group of guys who have a friend who works at the museum and well as with a few other random people, many people told me how much they loved the dress, one guy told me he would visit the museum if I promised to dress up like that, one told me he really wanted to grab my butt (and used his hands to illustrate) and one fellow who was cooking chicken behind us said something to me that I'm too embarrassed to write here.... Beer sure makes people chatty.... (although I'm not even sure the chicken cooking guy had been drinking....) I honestly think it's the stark contrast that the clothing makes in a place like this, that has a lot to do with people's reactions to it. Well that and the alcohol...
Malted Barley Is Kind Of Crunchy |
Additionally, by the end of the day, instead of asking for the Fat Ox Ale, many people asked me for the Fox ale. Also, we had a display with tee-shirts and the such and part of it included a stoneware plate with an example of the barley used to brew the beer. There are 3 kinds, a dark, medium and a light one and Brian put them in the dish in the ratios that they are used to brew. It was a DISPLAY. By the end of the day, I cannot tell you how many people just reached in and ATE it....Just ate pices of the display.... Barley is pretty crunchy.
It was a great event and people were a lot of fun. I saw a surprising number of people that I knew, my husband put on a Fat Ox shirt and helped pour and we all talked to a lot of people about the museum and the brewing that we do there. Brian is our brewmaster, so he provided a lot of interesting info to the public(Mostly about beer, although one person asked us if we talked in accents at the museum, he informed him, that no, we don't....) It was a way different crowd than we get at the museum and for that reason I think it was awesome that we got to do this and expose people to something they might not normally encounter (My butt included.... )