When I was in college I would go home for Thanksgiving break. Every Thanksgiving night after my own families festivities were over, I would head to Stephanie's house for leftover mashed potatoes and dessert. It became a tradition and her family was always so welcoming to me. Her mom, the beautiful Mrs Accongio, gave me pointers on being a cool blond and taught me to shimmy..... (I'm still working on getting the cool blond act right however. )
There was always this FANTASTIC pound cake. I've spent years remembering that cake. We recently starting talking about it again and Stephanie asked her mom for the recipe.
Just today this recipe made it to my in-box. It completely made my day and I am thrilled to share it with you. I am not kidding you folks, this is the best cake EVER. It's dense, it's velvety, it's buttery. Seriously, it's a good thing I'm not diabetic because I would probably put myself into a coma with this cake. My goodness, look at the ingredients!! A POUND of combined butter and Margarine, 6 Eggs and Cream Cheese.....
I am SOOOOOO making this for Thanksgiving this year!
Best Pound Cake Ever
3 C. Softasilk Cake flour ( must use a cake flour for this recipe- all purpose will not work)
6 eggs at room temperature
3 C. sugar
1 8oz. package of cream cheese softened at room temp
1/2 pound of butter softened at room temp
1/2 pound of margarine softened at room temp
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp grated lemon rind (optional- can also use orange rind) be sure not to get the bitter white membrane
1. Cream well: sugar, cream cheese, butter and margarine, salt, vanilla, and optional lemon rind.
2. Gradually add 3 C flour. One cup at a time and gently mix after each addition
3. Add 6 eggs 1 at a time mix after each egg.
Put batter into WELL greased (buttered) Bundt pan
DO NOT preheat oven! Bake at 300degrees for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. until golden brown
(usually about 2 hours)
I usually make This Pumpkin Pie for Thanksgiving. It's simply the perfect classic pumpkin pie with exactly the right amount and blend of spices. I love this pie and look forward to it every year. Alas, I am saving myself for my rekindled love with Pound Cake.
I'm going to try the pound cake for Thanksgiving...I'm not the best baker, but I am going to give it a whirl. I do great with photos, so thanks for the picture!
It seems like a pretty straightforward recipe. We'll have to compare notes! Her mom said it also freezes well, although I don't think pound cake accessible to be anytime I want it is really a good thing!
I think I will make it too so that I can think of you and our Thanksgiving evenings together. But when I make it, I'm totally not using margarine. That just cracks me up.
I know, it cracks me up too! The only thing is, I am going to use the margarine. (which I don't ever use) simply because I'm afraid to upset the recipe by changing anything.... I know that margarine and butter act different in cookies, for instance, so I'm not taking any chances with this. I may leave out the lemon/orange the first time so I can just get the pure pound cake flavor...
That's a good point about the margarine. I hadn't considered that. I think I'll make two...one with the original recipe, and then one for the freezer with butter/shortening.
You are asking for trouble with having one of those in the freezer!
UGH! Now I want to make pound cake, but I am dying to try Paula Deen's Ooey Gooey butter cake - especially since I do not eat pumpkin pie. Maybe for Christmas I will try the pound cake!
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