Forget for a minute that this is actually my blog and it's mostly about me anyway.....
Now it's your turn. Since I've been so kind as to think about you and present you in the kindest light I can think of, while still showing the world your funny or sensative sides as well, I think it's time you repaid the favor. So (Jen, Paul, Kristin, Jacquie, Leighanne & Deanna) everyone, it's your turn. Please leave your comments in the comment section and please keep them G-Rated!! If you are not one of the people I wrote little dittys about still feel free to comment.
Seriously...Seriously quiet friends.... I'm waiting.....
I'm working on it, I'm working on it! Had Liv's Thanksgiving Lunch at school today, just got home from a quick trip to Wegs -- but you are at the top of my list! (The things to do list, not the bad list...) :)
I've been trying...really I have. I just spent the last half hour trying to write something but it was way too sappy and long-winded. I need to put my thoughts together and dare I say it will not be nearly as eloquent as your blogs.
I can tell you that I remember that phone conversation back in the 10th grade and I was trying desperately to get off the phone and fast, the girl on the other line was just so out of my league. Her and her black clothes, pink beret and peace signs were way too much for me and my preppy ways. Being wild and crazy for me was getting my ears double pierced. Oh and remember when the last day of high school I found out I did get written up, but it was excused because I was in band practice! But for some reason you and Deanna asked me out to lunch after the last final exam in high school, and there at the Char Pit over cheeseburgers, onion rings and fried mushrooms, my life did change so much for the better....
As I sit here and try to write something witty, and sentimental all the things I come up with are one liners, or heck even just one WORD and they make me laugh.
"Come on girls...we're outta here"
"Get in the car, get in the car now"
"I think we're being followed...go to Scott's house!"
"Let's follow Deanne"
"HELLO" (said in the most threatening voice possible!!!
"Laughter through tears"
"I'm saying to YOU"
"But Leighanne NOTHING has happened to you!"
And too many others to count...but I guess that's the point. We've grown up together. We've been through whatever life has thrown at us, and we've celebrated, laughed, cried (more than our fair share), and DID THE RIDE through all of life's changes - together.
I got to share my love of the Thousand Islands with you and you've shared it with your husband and beautiful daughter. And you've shared your family and your home with me for my wedding no less.
Rest assured I'll wake up this Thanksgiving morning and remember all of the Thankgivings we "vented" to each other...but I will also say a little prayer for all of my family and friends (those still here and those no longer with us) and they'll be a special prayer for my very dear friend Chris, without whom I don't know if I would have made it this far, and it certainly would not have been half as entertaining without you!
Leighanne,I didn't mean for it to be a homework assignment!!!
Sweetie, that is possibly the nicest thing anyone has ever written about me.
Those one liners all had me cracking up out loud over here...
"Come on Girls, we're outta here" Whaa ha ha ha.....
I think I might just keep that list for the next time I'm feeling sad because those made me really smile! Happy Thanksgiving my friend.
Ok, here it goes... I put a post on my blog and you can go over and read mine there (and not because Leigh's was so long that there's no room for mine on here... ;) -- I don't know that it lives up to what you have written about us, but it comes from the heart!
Since it's Thanksgiving, thank you for being such a wonderful, important part of my life!
AWWWW...You are such a sweetheart... I love it....
I'm with Leighanne--there's no way I can be as eloquent as you are, but I will speak from the heart. I've had different "best" friends through my different stages of life and whenever I'm speaking of you I say, "Chrissy, my high school best friend". But really, you've been one of the closest friends of my life. I hope you know how much I truly value you and all that we've shared together over the years.
You are a person who is strong in the areas where I am weak. You're such a great hostess. You can make so many things. You can talk to anyone. You are beyond generous. I so appreciate all those qualities that you have that I wish I possessed or was better at. And then there are those areas that I don't have to mention (cause we know) where we both fall short and I'm glad I have you to share those with too.
I really admire you Chris. I'm so glad you're my friend.
my goodness, now I know why you all wanted me to write these.
Those words are so sweet Kristin. I'm crying over here Dumb Able.....
Thank you, dear friends. Your words mean so much to me.
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