Take a look now!!!
My sweet little brother and his wife were done early with their Landscaping jobs today and they came over and cleaned up the yard as a surprise. Holy Cow!!! They even edged and cleaned up the vegetable garden.... I was so overwhelmed! I took the picture through the window because I think my brother would find me taking a picture of him raking rather odd.... Don't worry, they didn't rake the whole yard, they have blowers and professional equipment. He just raked the garden because I needed the leaves on top of the actual beds but not in the paths. What sweethearts.
I also had a little girl here today that wanted to pick the herbs for the Thanksgiving meal so I let her do that. I want her to learn about the garden so I'm pretty relaxed about her picking stuff and playing with it. It's an herb garden and she likes to carry them around and smell them and learn their names. The only ones she can remember are chives and lemon balm. She kept running in and out of the house with bunches of herbs and bringing them to me and putting them around the house to make it "smell good" so now I have sage and chive potpourri hiding in nooks and crannies.
Other items of note today:
1) I made this cake and IT WEIGHS 3 1/4 LBS!!!! I weighed it. I realized after it was in the oven that I forgot one of the 6 eggs, so this cake only has 5 eggs in it. Steph-I also used salted butter and thought that batter tasted a little salty. The cake, which I broke a small piece off the bottom seems to taste fine though.
2) I am feeling rather sick from eating stuffing and raw cake batter right about now.....
I used salted butter and margarine, and then the recipe called for salt. Maybe I should have omitted it. The batter tasted ridiculously good though. It's in my oven baking right now!
Nice work and a great treat. If anyone out there in cyber world needs a good landscaper her brother is great!
He he!!! I think you need to use salt as part of the leavening process so you can't omit that. So next time I will be using unsalted butter.
I ate so many spoonfulls of that batter!!!
And yes Kristin, my brother is a wonderful landscaper!!! You should have seen the edging he did around all of the sidewalks, back walk way, drive way....What a treat!
Steph, how was yours? Mine was fabulous, even with just 5 eggs. Everyone who had some liked it. And if people didn't have any I made them try it anyway ;-) I omitted the lemon/orange and it is the PERFECT cake. I think I could win an award somewhere with it.
I overcooked mine, by a lot. My oven runs hot. So the edges were burned but the insides were so tasty and rich!
I thought of you and late Thanksgiving evenings when I ate it!! (and then ate it again, and then the next day...)
Me too. In fact, I'm thinking of you while I'm eating it right now ;)
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