I'm hosting Thanksgiving this year. Yesterday my grandma called me to tell me that she would not be attending.
The reason:
She has to spend Thanksgiving with her boyfriend's family........
Hmmm...Isn't that something the granddaughter is supposed to call and say? Who the heck made me the adult that you call to beg off for major holidays? When did this shift occur? It's like I woke up one day and was all grown up.....
I don't mind at all. She really wants to do this for him because they always spend it with us and he hasn't had Thanksgiving with his own family for quite some time. She said they might even stop over for dessert or something.
That is if they don't have to stop off and make out somewhere in his Cadillac.
Go grandma!
Yeah, Seriously!!!
We're all used to it by now, but I remember being at my parents house when Bob first started dating my grandma. He would sit perched on the edge of the couch talking to my dad, who was leaned back in his recliner. I half expected my dad to ask him what his intentions were.
She's actually pretty happy. She's 85 and she's still going strong. She went to England this past September for 2 weeks and I think she really missed him...
And once, a while ago, Jacquie called me to report that she had actually seen my grandma kissing Bob in the car at a stoplight....
OMG... Grandma and Bob making out in the Cadillac... Good for them! I wish my grandmother (who's 88) had a boyfriend!!
LOL! Good for her!!!
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