Awhile ago, back when I worked actually, I designated Sundays (In the fall & winter anyway) as a day to make soup & muffins or quiche or something for breakfast that we could eat for more than one day. Then we could either have the soup on Monday evening for dinner or pack it for lunches during the week.
I've kind of gotten away from that but was thinking I should re-institute it. Being home I guess I can make soup any time I want, but I tend to work better with a schedule. I think I'll post my recipes each week in case you want to play along at home!
So today I made:
Butternut Soup with Cider Cream. I actually skipped the cream on this one because I didn't have any whipping cream. I also skipped the sour cream in the soup as I felt like this would be a nice non-dairy soup to have (even a dairy whore like myself needs to take a break sometime.) This soup is fabulous! You can taste both the squash and apple and the carrots and leeks give it a nice
depth of flavor.
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins. My girl and I made these together. I used whole wheat pastry flour instead of white flour. Whole wheat pastry flour is a great way to incorporate whole wheat

Two things. First, I want to incorporate your soup and quiche schedule. Second, those pumpkin chocolate chip muffins look a lot like my grandmother's pumpkin holiday cake.
You should! It's so helpful to have something for a quick breakfast and/or lunch. I truly don't know why I have not been doing it all along.
See, muffins ARE cake!
You know what I miss. (while on the subject of cake) I miss that pound cake your mom used to make on Thanksgiving. Heck, I all-around miss your parent's house at Thanksgiving!!!
I don't know if my mom ever made her own pound cake, but I do know that on Thanksgiving we used to have that awesome pound cake that my dad's vice principle's wife always made for him as a gift and it had like a ton of butter in it, and refined cake flour, and it was satiny as sin...is that the one you're thinking of? Because I my heart stutters a little bit just thinking about that cake, but it would be worth an early death.
That is EXACTLY the cake I am thinking of. I always thought your mom made it! I so wish I had the recipe for that!
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