This is my friend Kristin. I met Kristin on the first day of 7th grade. I was wearing an awkward cranberry

Small note. You may notice that many of my friendships have had less than auspicious starts ( I accidentally gave the bird to my other friend Kristin's husband shortly after I met them). And despite that, many many years later, I still have these friends. I do, in fact, get better over time. So if you've only recently met me and find me a complete pain in the ass, in say, 10 years, you won't. Ok, maybe you still will, but you'll still be glad you stayed. Just give me a chance.
Anyway, Kristin & I became the kind of annoying friends that mom's of teenage girls hate. We talked on the phone CONSTANTLY. And this was before call waiting! Her mom would pick up the phone and say, "It's that DAMN Chrissy WYyyyyyysocky" Seriously. We would laugh and laugh. We would write each other silly teenage notes and I would write "DON'T SHOW ANYONE" on them in big letters. Really, you should have seen the contents of these things. NO ONE WOULD HAVE GIVEN A DAMN!!!! These notes can make us laugh until we cry these days and I'm so glad she saved them. (In preparation to see New Moon, we are planning to rent Twilight, eat pizza and read the notes so we can get in touch with our inner teenage girl before we go and get all swoony over vampires!)
I could (still can) tell that girl anything. She never judges and always has a shoulder if you need it and a kind word. It's like getting a big hug.
She's a real giver. She works in a group home for children. She has an inspiring faith in God. She sings like an angel. She is mommy to the beautiful Corrine, a sunny child whose grasp of the English language (and pronunciation!!!) completely floors me.
I'm so glad she stayed after that purse incident.
Ok now folks, I still have spots avaliable into next week....
Can we order these to just be sent to us privately? I'm curious to see what you'd write about me, but you KNOW that everything embarrasses me and that (having attended charm school) I would ask for something like this to be published!! Seriously!
Yes, I can arrange for them privately as well. Since you already read my blog regularly, you are grandfathered in anyway!
And the embarrassment factor could be large for you, "As the seasons of life, change and transcend.....So too, do I hope....."
Ok, seriously, let's not go THERE. And lest you forget -- I know things...! ;) Embarrassing things... "Missing something?" And of course, there is the small rocking chair incident... Uh huh! :)
Well just so long as you don't bring up the "Mr. Hibb's Bow Tie Incident" no one gets hurt.....
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