Recently, on the blog of an old friend of mine, he had the following to say about his wife's hair products:
She uses bumble and bumble, but don't tell Chris, She'll be like, "That stuffs way too expensive! Here, let me make you something out of jello and honey! See the jello is only 59 cents and the honey is free cause I get it from the bee hive in my backyard. I almost died last year because I found out I was allergic to bees, but hey, for free honey, whats a week of swollen face and limbs?"
I thought that was kind if hysterical until this morning.
See I made homemade yogurt for the first time yesterday. It seemed a little off. At least it didn't set up like yogurt from the grocery store. My husband told me it was NOTHING like the yogurt his prior girlfriend's Indian mother used to make.
This morning he called:
"I steered clear of your yogurt this morning, it looked a little runny"
"Oh that's ok, I had some it was good."
"You had some?"
"Yeah, I didn't want to give it to our girl until I made sure it was ok so I ate some. I think I'll make some Popsicles with it or stick it in a smoothie if it turns out that it's ok"
"You mean if you don't get sick??"
"Yeah, I'm fine though so I think it's ok"
"You're actually testing the yogurt on yourself??"
I guess I was. Is this frugality's ugly side? Have I gone too far to save a buck and not waste food? Seriously, I had no reason to believe it was bad (I followed the directions) but I guess when you are dealing with a food product that relies on bacteria to do it's job maybe you should be a little careful. I saw no reason to waste my precious cream top milk from here.
Anyway, aside from the runny-ness it was delicious. Less tart that store bought (which is what I actually don't like about yogurt in general) and very creamy. I'll try again and make something out of the ones I still have. For organic yogurt it is a deal (even using the more expensive better quality milk.)
And for the record, I don't have a bee hive.
Hey, poison tasting is an age-old respected profession usually given to former prisoners and slaves. :)
Anyway, I've been curious about making homemade yogurt, b/c I like to eat the Greek variety, with the whey strained out of it.
At present, I take Dannon's Plain and then strain it in the fridge in a cheesecloth, but I'm not sure if this is more or less expensive than your method.
I would have done the same. I'm pretty sure runny yoghurt has LESS bacteria than thick yoghurt. :)
I almost mentioned that I was training to be a poison taster!
I think it's cheaper to make the yogurt. (minus the cost of the maker which in my case was only $1.50 at a garage sale) Apparently you can strain the yogurt exactly like you do to make it into the greek style yogurt. I'll be getting more milk on Thurs for a 2nd try so I'll let you know how it goes!
I'm sure it does have less live culture anyway!
Ok, I'm totally laughing over what Paul said -- how many times have I asked you when you are going to get a cow to have your own milk at home? I must say though, you have come a LONG way from the individual hot dog steamer!! Making your own yogurt seems much more natural!
I know! I thought that was so funny!! I responded to him that I would also be able to make yogurt and butter from the cow in the backyard! I think I was channeling you.
BTW, the hot dog maker was from YOUR FAMILY.
Ha Ha, I'm suprised I never saw this post before. I love yogurt!
Well I've gotten a lot better at the whole yogurt making thing and now my yogurt DOES taste like the real thing!
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