I'm no expert by any stretch, but I get by. I know when to prune things and how to grow a halfway decent vegetable garden. I know the names of many flowers and have perfected herb growing such that I usually enjoy fresh herbs all year long. (Ok. don't be too impressed with that, herbs are the easiest things to grow ever.) At this time of year I'm used to picking fresh herbs out from under the snow and using them. (The more hardy types like thyme, parsley, sage, etc...)
This winter this is not the case. Back in the spring I moved the herb garden to a lovely little patch next to the driveway. Deer don't eat herbs so I could not see taking up valuable fenced space. And they were all mixed in and among the veggies. Why not, I reasoned, group them all together. It was very green this summer and really prolific.
What I failed to take into consideration is the fact that this garden is EXACTLY where the snowplow guy pushes the snow every year. So rather than having a few inches of snow covering them, there is 4 feet of snow. And even I'm not going to shovel out my herbs from a depth of 4 feet. And it's that dirty parking lot snow. It's completely gross.
I'm actually marveling at my obtuseness on this one.
I guess no matter how good or how long you do something, there is always something to still be learned.....
That really sucks. I am sure I would never have thought of it, either. Heck, I never thought to bring my herbs in when the temps dipped below 40 here. Just never damned on me.
Have you already picked out the place you are going to move them to?
Oh yes Krista!!!
I'm actually going to do 2 patches on each side of the fenced garden where you walk in. It's closer to the house that way anyway. I'll do the beds lasagna style, like the rest of the garden so I can start as soon as I see some ground!!!
So this might have been a good thing? Well, I know it is hard to think of it that way when the herbs are buried under all that snow, but it sounds like it!
Ultimately, it is a good thing.... No herbs this winter but in the long run....
I guess it's that way with most mistakes isn't it. At least the ones that we choose to make something useful out of.
Or maybe I'm being too philosophical about my own silly blunder....
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