Some years I have a good bit of candy leftover. Rather than handing out 1/2 a bag to each kid at the end of the night I keep it. I usually buy Hershey's solid chocolate bars. That way if I have any leftover I can freeze it and use for my holiday baking that is just around the corner. Kids don't complain about chocolate and I haven't wasted my money. You can chop it up for cookies or melt it and it works just like chocolate chips! Last year I needed a quick cookie for a garden club function and I made a roll of refrigerator dough sugar cookies and dipped one half of them in melted chocolate. I got rave reviews.
Of course if you aren't into holiday baking and you don't want your candy to go to waste, you can always EAT it!
Good tip! We usually get a bunch of stuff that we don't like as much (lollipops, bubble gum, Tootsie Rolls) as say, chocolate, from a dieting mindset -- otherwise we will eat it all before Halloween! But then, if we don't pass it all out, we end up with a bunch of stuff that we won't eat...
Mmmm...sounds like I'd better swing by your place. :-) Bit of a drive though. LOL.
Halloween isn't as big here as it is in the US and we live too far away from other houses to get Trick or Treaters. Does it work out expensive?
I think it can get expensive so I at least want to make sure that we don't waste any of it. Last year over 100 kids came. I would say I spend between $15-$25 on candy. And that comes out of our food budget-I can get a lot of real food for us for $25!
All that sugar too!!! How much must some kids end up with after the evening's rounds?
I can understand not wanting to waste any of it. You do well though. I think I would be doing well to get 25 bars of chocolate for $25 here.
I think kids end up with much more than they need. (I know I used to!) At this point our daughter is small so last year we went to only 6 houses. We'll probably do a few more this year. However, she doesn't really know that you "eat" the candy so right now she just plays with the packages. I'm somewhat conflicted because we don't let her eat it and yet we are letting her go trick-or-treating????
Any to speak to your $25 comment. We buy bags of small candy. There are about 20 pieces of candy on the bag. (about 2 inches each.)
We usually give out junk candy like lollipops and tootsie rolls, as Deanna wrote, because I know I won't eat them.
But then we have a bunch of leftover stuff. I'm wondering if kids would mind getting dark chocolate... if I have leftovers of that, I could use it in baking...
Yes, the only problem with the strategy is that if you don't give it out then you have access to all of this chocolate. And since I actually buy a little candy each week with the groceries so I don't feel like I'm plunking down a bunch all at once, I've had chocolate in the house since Sat and have eaten way more than I should of.
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