Wednesday, December 17, 2008

And the complaining continues......

Yeah I know I'm supposed to be writing about Frugal stuff.... I feel unfrugal this month as Christmas nears (even though I am spending the bare minimum) All this spending has me edgy.... And every time I think of frugal things to write I get sidetracked and it never gets done. Possibly because I'm spending on more than just gifts. Parties and donations and cards, the list goes on... Nothing seems frugal to me.....It all seems like too much-Too many presents. Too many cookies and too much to do.

And Govt Patterson has proposed taxes on Haircuts, beer, cinema tickets, cigars, taxi rides, massages, ipod downloads, and sugary soft drinks as well as getting rid of the star rebate check taxpayers receive each year. Ok, when I looked at that list I noticed that in the past 6 months to a year I have purcahsed NONE of those things on the list except a haircut this past August and possibly beer once in a while. (I mean I don't even OWN an iPod!) Still.... These things seem so extreme. Are we not looking into the problem FIRST before proposing more money as a solution??? Serioualy, when I have a financial problem I try and figure out what it is before I look for another source of income....

And finally on my list of complaints is children's underware. Today I took my Grandma Christmas Shopping. We went to get my girl some new undies. Size 4T. SIZE 4 FREAKING T. For those of you not in the know, the T stands for TODDLER. And yes, there in the children's undie section, right near the Dora undies were packs of BIKING UNDERWARE WITH LACE ON THEM SIZE 4T.... What the *&#@? What $&#*%^! genius thinks it's appropriate to dress a 4 year old girl in bikini undies... I have enough ttrouble with princess boots, I about had a heart attack over the underware.... Needless to say, we got briefs. We had to hunt for them, but we found them.....

Merry Christmas...


Krista said...

I have always wondered how those moms with multiple kids in multiple activities do it. After you buy a gift or pitch in for a group gift for the teacher, basketball coach, youth group leader, karate instructor, Sunday school teacher, etc. there goes your entire Christmas budget! If you don't contribute you are a Scrooge and if you try to make/bake a gift you are so overwhelmed you just want to throw money at it. Ugh!

Ah... a sin tax. Isn't it lovely?

As for kids underware - while shopping for the girly girls I saw some bikini undies in niece #3's size (super skinny 3 year old) that said "yummy" on them. I about died. I have always had a problem with hoochie shoes and clothes but undies is just taking it too far, I think. I am so glad I had boys. I would have probably had a stroke having to shop on a regular basis for girls.

lianna26 said...

Ok of course I have more to say than that - but thank you my friend for putting into words how most everyone I know is feeling. Including the lace on a size 4T underwear. I know I don't have the need to buy many children's clothing, but I have noticed that it's all trying to make your "little girl" dress like she's 25 OR Disney princess clothing (and even I - wouldn't choose all Disney clothing). But cheer up! Try to remember the true meaning of Christmas, the incredible look on your beautiful daughter's face Christmas morning when she realizes Santa came to HER house - and enjoy the many blessings we have this holiday season...I for one am so very grateful for my family and friends!!! (and get an ipod already - kidding) :)

Christine said...

Krista-I think if I saw "Yummy" I would have left! Bikini was bad enough.

Leigh-Yup-that lets-dress-a-4-year old-like she is 25 is completely revolting. WHO BUYS that stuff? I mean seriously, who???

Teamcarbone said...

Okay I totally agree with all of you and will only say that it makes me crazy how Victoria's Secret catalogues have this "teen" section which is still just over the top. Oh yeah and how about how they changed all theirs décor(neon to the max) to like a Las Vegas Show room. Crazy.

Christine said...
