Anyway, the heartless soul-less new owners RIPPED IT ALL OUT. I drove by one day to check on how it all looked (yes I know how crazy I sound) I came home crying. I loved that yard and I loved those plants. I had ones that were presents from family and I planted white mums after Sept 11th (Yes, I know I didn't own the stuff anymore) but more, I felt like someone was telling me that what I did wasn't really all that special.
I got over it. (Kind of. All you dinner guests at my house the other night just be quiet right now.)
Fast forward to tonight. I went out to dinner with Leighanne and when she drove me home I told her to drive by it. I wanted someone else (besides my mom) to witness the destruction of my lovely plants. It was dark so it was hard to see.
As one final insult, they had kept the ugliest rhododendron in the yard until today. It was all ripped out and laying by the road. I made Leighanne slow down. It was dark. I made her drive past slowly and told her to turn around. I told her I was getting my bush back. She reminded me it was no longer my bush. I said "Shut up and turn around!" She did. She slowed down. I opened the door and pounced! I grabbed the bush and briefly thought about hauling the paper bag of yard debris as well knowing some of my other plants could possibly be in there. Being that Leigh really likes her car I didn't think she would take kindly to that idea. As soon as the bush was in the car I hugged it and said " Don't worry baby, mommy is here!!!
We brought it home. She looked at it and said "Can you really save that?" I'm thinking in the back of my mind-Do I even want to?? I have a beautiful 12 ft tall Rhododendron in my front yard that looks amazing in bloom. This one had never quite lived up to it's potential. It looks worse now from neglect and (I imagine) a lack of love.
Right now it's sitting in one of my new urns but tomorrow I'm going to find it a new home.
You know this is an illness, right? I'm totally writing this into my next book. :P
Also, you know that heart-less soul-less new owners probably surf the internet right?
That is too funny! I wonder if it would do better in your new garden? Maybe something was off with the soil at the old place? If you have one that is thriving, it is worth a shot.
My great grandma lived in Amish country, in Ohio. She had the most amazing garden. Amish housewives used to ask her gardening advice. Amish housewives!! When she died and the house was sold, we were sure the new owners would just have to love the garden as much as we did and want to keep it. Ha! They tore it out and put up a basketball court. They tore down the grape vines that had been there since the 20's, the perennials that had been there for decades, and even the vines growing under the giant trees in the front yard. Not sure what they thought they were going to get to grow there, but whatever. They even tore the greenhouse that she had built on to the back of the house down.
I was devastated.
By the way... I inherited exactly non of her gardening ability.
I would be honored to have my neurosis featured in your next book!
And I HOPE the heart-less soul-less new owners find me. In fact, I briefly thought I would add a PS to them in the original post just in case.
Um, I kind of feel like a crazy person writing that. I really need to let go if this I think.....
Oh My goodness Krista! That is an even worse story!
I actually left the plants there because when you buy a house you buy everything on the property. And I reasoned, I would be really upset if I bought a house with wonderful gardens and they were gone when I arrived.
I have learned next time (if I ever do move again ) that I will ask if they want the plants or not. It really is my own fault (which is part of the reason I'm so ticked) for not asking.
oh my goodness - our adventure last night made the blog!! How exciting, and I would like to mention that Deanna would be so proud that I was yet again the accomplice for a stealing! I turned the lights off, slowed down and sped away quick for a clean undetected get away;) I have no doubts that you will bring your baby back to life - and maybe someday it can be the background for daughter's wedding photos as the lovely one in your front yard it to mine!
Thanks for a great night - I needed it!
I know! As I was writing it I was laughing and thinking Deanna would find it all so funny!!!
Oh my gosh -- it is SO funny that Leigh wrote that comment, because as I was reading your post about last night I was laughing, TOTALLY having a deja vu moment about Leigh's and my escapade! Thanks for the laugh (from my own memory!) -- I'm so sorry about the plants -- that is so upsetting! I remember how upset you were when the new owner of that one house around the corner had taken out all of those beautiful plants, and then for it to happen to your old garden too! I think that the best thing to do when you sell a house, is to never go back and look, even for nostalgia's sake! It's never the way you lovingly left it, and it's just disappointing!
I agree with Krista who said that maybe the bush will do better at your new house!
Oh, and I also agree with Steph who said it's an illness (little bit!)! ;)
Oh my, part of me thought no she really didn't "steal" her plant back did she??? However I know how sick you felt after seeing all your hard work torn apart and disregarded. This was your only way to "get back" at said heart-less, soul-less new home owners.
Um I just want to point out that you do sound a tiny bit like your current house's old owner...
Krista can you say sacrilege? That is a sad story.
Wahahahah hahaahah hahah!!!
I DO sound like the old man who used to own this house!!! I COMPLETELY DO! How embarrassing.
Ok, I think there is a big difference between being heartbroken over someone ripping out and throwing away LIVING plants that you put your heart and soul into planting, and the sausage guy calling a HOUSE PAINTER for you!
But again, I think the best thing to do is stop driving by!
Why thank you! I also agree that rescuing ones plant from the garbage pile is a far cry from calling a house painter for the new owners!!!! Yes, perhaps I'm not AS crazy as the old sausage czar who lived here before me.
And didn't we used to yell at Leighanne for her visits back to Emberglow?
Point taken, I'll stop driving by!!!
Hey now - I have YET to actually get out of my car and take anything from my old house - driving by to re-live a few fond memories is perfectly acceptable!
Well I supposed if you're not blaring Richard Marx "Right Here Waiting" then it's ok!
Fantastic story.
Thank you!
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