Thursday, January 14, 2010

Haiti, Mobile Giving and Technology Changing The World

Today I  marveled at the way that giving has been transformed by technology.

You can donate $10 to The Red Cross Haiti relief by texting “Haiti” to 90999. Amazing. Easy. I did this as soon as I was made aware of it. It took seconds....Just seconds....  Imagine that! Just think of the people who will donate who might never have before. Or those who mean to donate but just never get around to it. This was so immediate. So fast. So impressive really. In 2 days they have raised $3 Million Dollars, $10 at a time.

You can learn more about the  Red Cross Program Here.


The Fine Art of Motherhood said...

I was able to donate at the grocery store today when I checked out! It's great that they make it so easy!

Christine said...

You have to love Wegmans!!! That's really neat!