In January!!!
This year, for the first time, in a neighboring town, they are experimenting with an indoor market once a month through May. It's called the Long Season Market and the idea is to encourage eating/buying locally through the winter months.
I've said before in this blog how I love eating local food and this was an awesome way to do it.
When we walked in to the Artisan Church we could smell the wonderful aroma of quiche, chicken and a myriad of hot food items for sale. I was so sorry that my husband was home making dinner at that moment!
There was a local winery, a bunch of various vendors and a band.
We bought
-2 Buttercup Squash
-2 Bunches of Hydroponic Arugula-My favorite green!
-A loaf of hearty multi-grain bread
-Crispin Apples
-Apple Cider Molasses
-Some molasses cookies from a man named Brian who claims to make delicious cookies with quality ingredients-And he's not lying! Those were the best molasses cookies I ever had-It's a good thing we bought the 3 pack rather than the dozen because they would have been gone just the same today. I think I'll be going back just because of Brian!
It was much smaller than a traditional Farmers Market but it was intimate and the people there were just so happy to be there-The feeling was nice, cosy and happy. The veggies actually did not look like the ones in the picture because there was a lot of squash, apples and root crops.
After we walked around we sat (well I sat and my girl danced) and listened to the Wild Root String Band. It was so funny because most of the people there were really crunchy-I mean only die hards are going out in 10 degree weather to buy local squash-I told Jacquie that I am SURE I was the only person there with a child wearing Disney Princess Boots!
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