Look at my beautiful garden!
Ok that is actually the ONLY view that isn't overgrown or has not been ravaged by deer or squash bugs or too much rain.....

I do have a bumper crop of herbs, turnips, kohlrabi and zinnia! Weird combo I know. The bed to the right is being re-planted with fall greens, broccoli and beets this week. I will also be using a fence!
How nice the picture of your garden is!! Is that cute little shed yours? That definitely looks like a postcard, or one of those matted photos that we would totally buy at Corn Hill! Ok, you are SO much more of a gardener than I could ever hope to be -- you are planting KOHLRABI?? I barely knew that you could buy it at the store, much less grow it here!
Thank you! That is really the only really wonderful angle in the garden this year!
Kohlrabi-I didn't know about growing it either but saw it in the garden center when I was buying the rest of my veggies and though, "what the heck!" It's interesting.
And yes, that is our shed. It's much less cute looking in person!
Adam and I discovered that we can't grow anything edible--not even in pots that we move around to be closer to the sun. Apparently our yard just gets too much shade.
For a whole lot of effort, we got three tomatoes, a few peppers, and some parsley and rosemary.
I guess we are better off looking for a communal garden or just shopping wisely at the farmer's market :P
Well FWIW, I've gotten way more vegetables from the CSA and Farmers Market than I have from my yard this year. Sometimes it becomes a matter of what is your time worth.
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