Today Kristin and I went to our
CSA, Windy Meadow Farm, where they had "open pick tomatoes" Which is basically a chance to go, at no extra charge, and pick as many tomatoes as you like. AS MANY AS YOU LIKE. How psyched was I over free food! When we got there they told us that we could pick corn and peppers as well. ALSO AS MANY AS WE WOULD LIKE.
And boy did we pick. We picked a lot of food. And carried a lot of food. It was tiring and we wore shorts and our legs got scratchy. We also had never picked corn be

fore so there was a small learning curve there! Holy cow, I could not help but wonder HOW they harvest all that food each week with any sort of expedience. Two hours of picking was enough for me. I was tired when I got home. My legs and feed were dirty and splashed with tomato guts. We discussed how we were so glad we were picking today and not yesterday when it was 90 degrees.
We met the farmers who were really nice and my appreciation for those farmers grew exponentially today. It was neat to see all of the veggies growing. I bought some organic eggs and some sunflowers from the farmers children.
I brought a lot of beautiful food home which I started to preserve today.
I've often thought in a parallel reality I should live on a farm. Today I realized I'm a gardener, not a farmer.
It was a great morning but yes hard work! Next year we'll be more prepared. I've been making lots of salsa but I really enjoyed making up care packages for my neighbors. It made me feel great to share this wonderful free food.
Thank you for sharing your sunflowers they have brightened up my dinning room.
Next year we are wearing JEANS!
I have been canning and freezing the tomatoes. I also used the dehydrator to dry some tomatoes as well. I think I'm pickling the peppers tonight!
I roasted the pepper which were VERY hot. I've been feeding my family raw tomatoes every day and making tomatoe salads and sandwiches for them plus I tossed them with some pasta and other veggies.
Good stuff!
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