Friday, September 14, 2007

Play Pasta

This is not some weird pasta salad I made with food coloring to hide the fact that there is nothing esle in it! It's play pasta that was easy to make. Most people probably already have everything they need to make it at home.

For each color, use 1/2 cup rubbing alcohol and 20 drops of food coloring. I used a large glass mixing cup and it did not stain. Drop in pasta and let sit until you achieve the desired color. (about 10 min) Let dry on a cookie sheet overnight. The color is really deep and will not rub off on your hands when you use it.

I had to buy rubbing alcohol and pasta because I didn't have any with holes in it and I wanted my girl to be able to string it. I also bought a package of shoelaces because the dipped ends make it easy to pass through the pasta holes.

All together, this cost:
$1 Rubbing alcohol
$1 Pasta (I only used about 1/2 of the pasta I bought and we will eat the rest).
$1.30 for the shoelaces.
$3.30 total

My girlie loves this. I got it out for her yeaterday and she keeps calling it "My Colors!" she loves stringing them on the shoelaces which is great for her small motor skills and as you can see from the picture, she loves sorting them by shape and color as too.
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lightening said...

Fantastic! I always wondered how to colour the pasta. Thanks for that. :-)

Anonymous said...

wow ~ what brilliant colours :)

The Fine Art of Motherhood said...

When I was the "events co-chair" at my daughter's preschool, the other co-chair took care of coloring pasta that we let the kids use as a craft during our annual pasta dinner fundraiser (I love themes!). It was a cute craft, but the colors were very dull looking -- my daughter will LOVE these bright colors! I'll have to try your "recipe!" And, best yet -- I found that I have all of this at home already, so I don't have to spend any money on this! Thanks!

Christine said...

Oh I'm so excited because I knew someone (should have figured it would be you!) would have all of these things already!!!

Catherine said...

Chrissy - Love the pasta idea - Have you ever made home made playdough? I make it all the time, keep it rerfrigerated and take out 1/2 hours before use - no staining, no hardening. Want the recipe?

Christine said...

I would love the playdough recipe!!!