Friday, September 21, 2007

Dawn Sinple Pleasures Review

Yesterday, along with the free Cascade (gelpacks, which I've never tried!) came a bottle of Dawn Simple Pleasures, Apple and Pear scent (which is great because I love apple scent)

If you don't know what this product is then let me enlighten you. It's a normal bottle of dawn with an AIR FRESHENER in the bottom of the bottle. Kinda weird.

I'll preface this whole review with that fact that I like Dawn dish liquid and will buy it if it is on sale or I have a coupon. I also like scented dish liquid and I like this scent too. (It also comes in Water Lily & Jasmine and Lemon & Tangerine which sound nice.)

I immediately removed the wrapper over the air freshener and was overwhelmed with the smell (nice as it is). The marketing material says that this will release scent into the air for weeks (I would completely believe that based on the smell at the moment) It is very strong. Whenever I enter the kitchen I smell it. My 2 year old even asked "What is that smell?" Apparently the beads are waterproof which is a good thing as it is designed to sit next to your sink.

The thing is:
  • I don't really like to store my dish detergent on the counter so this product would be scenting the cabinet under my sink if it was used the way I intend to (right now it is on the counter). That might actually work out better because that is where my garbage is kept.
  • I don't really ever want this strong of an air freshener this close to me. And that is unavoidable when using the product. I'm sure the scent will lessen but for now it is VERY strong. I should also mention that Deanna reminded me to say that I do tend to be smell sensitive. But I imagine there are others like me as well and they will appreciate the information.
  • I don't see a need for this product. Do people have problems with smelly sinks in the place where they prepare their food. I'm not the world's greatest housekeeper and I don't have this problem.
I tried to find the product in the grocery store to see how the price would compared to non-air freshener dawn as well as other detergents. I could not find it yet, but the marketing material said that Dawn Simple Pleasures is expected to retail for $3.25. This is way more than I ever spend on this kind of item. For me an added air freshener and an added cost are not something that would add beauty (or simplicity as the name states) to my life.


Unknown said...

I do keep my dish soap on the sink, but not in its original bottle. My sister taught me a great trick of using those olive oil dispensers instead.

I pour the Dawn into there, and it is this lovely decorative blue, and it looks elegant instead of just having a labeled bottle there, so this product would probably be something I wouldn't use . . . unless I wanted to scent beneath the sink, which maybe I do. I dunno.

Christine said...

I like that idea. That is frugal and beautiful too!

I have one of those built in pumps so I don't store it up there. Since I do have a large window I bet it would look nice with a pretty bottle of colored liquid (color coordinated to my kitchen of course ;-) ) next to it!

I'm thinking of pouring the dawn into the pump and storing the bottle under the sink to see how it works keeping the garbage smelling nice (although I do already empty it every day) Of course that would just create more clutter under there....