Friday, February 12, 2010

Sunday February 13, 1910

Cora and family up to dinner. Ma, Pa & Kathy were all over home to supper. The kids had a fun time. I helped Dan. Snow very deep. 

W. ------Snow Stormy
R. 10:30 

You'll see that he does a lot of eating "Up to dinner" or "Over home to supper" One of the most interesting things that I found on the 1910 census was that his family, including his parents, and brothers & sisters-Clara, Cora, Raymond all live in the next house on the census page. They live on a different street, but they are the next one on the list so I imagine they are perhaps the first house on the next street or that the streets ajoin somehow. It's hard to read the writing but I should probably look at a Syracuse map though and try and figure it out. (not tonight though!)

Through the whole diary he goes to dinner  there and I often wondered how far it was. Turns out it's not very far at all.

As for his siblings, Raymond works in the steel factory and Cora is a teacher. (This is in the census record.) His father also works at the Steel factory. He has another brother, Oscar, but I don't know where he is. He was living with the family as of the 1900 census, but as of the 1910 he is not.


Unknown said...

I know you've read through this entire diary but since you signed up for the census info. it gives you a whole new perspective eh?

My parents were born in the late 20s and they lived on the East side of Rochester. I always find it funny how even now they refer to people being from East sider or the West. They also relied on family and friends to help them find housing when they were first married. Communities back then were much closer. Oh going back to the East Vs West I find it hysterical that they live in Greece which is clearly the West side but still claim to be East siders.

Christine said...

It's a lot different! At least it gives it more depth.

It's funny that they consider themselves "east Siders" who live in greece!!!