Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Planning 2008!

Yup, you read that right!!!!

First of all, as I stated sometime in early December, all of my Christmas shopping was done with CASH! Yeah me! It was no easy feat to be able to get to everyone on the list and stay within the budget. I worked selling A LOT on eBay and was stressed getting it all done. When I worked outside of the home, the cash for Christmas was easier to come by. It was getting time to complete the shopping and wrapping that was difficult!

Anyway, I decided that I'm not going to worry about it in December next year. I'm just going to go out and spend the money that I saved for Christmas.

That means I need to start saving-NOW.

So I took the budget from this year and divided it by 52. I have decided that come hell or high water, that amount is going into the savings account every week of the year. You may be shocked at what you need to put away each week to have your ideal Christmas. But if that number shocks you, what makes you think you'll have all of that sometime next December rather than 1/52 of that this week. Somehow I thought that was going to happen. Somehow it did! But not without some sweating and complaining by me. I'm not feeling like doing that anymore.

I'm taking the easy way out. I'm saving up!

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